If you are planning on having a decluttering but don’t know where to start, our ultimate decluttering checklist is here to help!
Decluttering is really good for us. It is good for our mental and physical health as clutter causes us to feel stressed, anxious and can exacerbate symptoms of asthma.
But, decluttering can feel overwhelming. You can wonder about where to start, how to do it and what do you actually do with all the stuff you no longer need/want?
Within this article, we will talk you through the ultimate decluttering checklist so you can declutter with ease.
Let’s get started!
Make A Plan To Get Started
Before you begin, you need to make a plan of how you are going to approach your decluttering. You will want to do your decluttering one room at a time so you will want to make a plan of where you are going to start.
Think About Why You Want To Declutter
When it comes to anything we do, motivation will ebb and flow. This will be no different with decluttering so it is really important to think about why you want to declutter.
Do you want to let go of old memories? Embrace a new chapter of life? Or do you simply want more space in your home and life?
By knowing your why, you will be more likely to stick to your decluttering.
Choose A Decluttering Method
There are many decluttering methods out there and it is a good idea to choose one that works for you.
There is The Four Box Method in which you get four boxes and label them Keep, Throw Away, Give Away and storage. And then you go through your belongings placing each item in the correct box.
There is The KonMari Method, invented by Marie Kondo, in which you hold each of your items and decide if they bring you joy. Any items that don’t bring you joy should be removed from your home.
Then there is The Packing Party Method which is how The Minimalists, Ryan Nicodemus, became a minimalist. In this method, you pack away everything you own, as if you are moving house. And then you spend the next few weeks unpacking only what you really need. Things like your toothbrush, bed sheets, work clothes etc.
If one of these methods sounds good to you, give it a try. This will start you on your way to a decluttered home.
Set An Achievable Goal
Once you get the decluttering bug, it can be easier to want to dive right into doing it all. But, it is important that you stay realistic and to set achievable goals.
Depending on how much clutter you have, one to two rooms a day is an achievable goal.
Start Small And Take Your Time
If doing it one room at a time feels too overwhelming, start even smaller than this. Do one drawer or one cupboard at a time. This is your decluttering project and you can do it exactly how it works for you.
Also, take your time! If you do one room on a Saturday and then don’t do the next room until the next Saturday, that is fine. Rome was not built in a day and it is perfectly okay to take your time with a task like decluttering.
Utilise Self Storage
If you find items that you do want to keep but don’t use year round, such as seasonal clothing, sports equipment and holiday decorations, these could all be placed into self storage.
If you choose professional self storage, such as Cinch Self Storage, your belongings will be kept sage and secure for however long you want/need to store them.
The Ultimate Decluttering Checklist
If you feel a need to declutter, you will want to make sure that you begin with a plan, thinking about where you want to start and why you want to declutter. It is really important that you find a method that works for you and, once you have, start small and take your time.
And if you find you have items that would need but would be best kept in self storage, our self storage is here to help. If you would like to know more, please click here to find your local store.