Self Storage in Deddington
Are you looking for storage in Deddington? At Cinch Storage Deddington you can choose from storing single items to the contents of a whole house, so feel free to load up at the flea market! Speak to a member of our team today for advice on how much space you need and get a quote.
Our Facility
Our self storage facility in Deddington offers a wide range of storage units to suit business, personal or student storage needs. Choose from 15 sq ft (telephone box) to 150+ sq ft depending on your needs. Each unit is fitted with intruder alarms and fire and smoke detectors and monitored 24/7 by CCTV so you’re confident that your items are safe and secure.
Bicester facility features
We cater to all your storage needs and can arrange for one of our Cinch Self Storage partners to pick up your stuff, to make moving your items and transferring them to another location more convenient for you. See our locations listed below.

What our customer Say
Self Storage in Deddington
By 1393 Deddington was chartered to hold two annual three-day fairs. The Martinmas fair was the most important, and came to be called the “pudding-pie fair” after a type of plum pudding in hard-crust pastry that was baked in great numbers for the occasion, continuing until the 1930s!
Self Storage in Deddington
When you are looking to store in Deddington, you can choose from storing single items to whole houses, but no plum puddings! Speak to a member of the team who can help you work out what size unit you will need.