Moving house comes with excitement but also stress. Our guide to house move storage Enfield will let you know how we can help.
Moving house constantly comes top when people are asked what the most stressful life event is. This is unsurprising as, when it comes to a house move, there is so much to decide, so much to do and so much waiting. Many people find the waiting the most stressful part as there is the constant feeling that everything could fall apart until you have your new house keys in your hand.
Within this article, we will guide you through our house move storage Enfield and let you know how it will help.
What Our House Move Storage Enfield Has On Offer
To begin, we are going to look at what our house move storage has on offer.
A Variety Of Units To Choose From
Our house move storage Enfield comes in a variety of sizes. Our units in Enfield start at 15 square feet and go all the way up to 450 square feet so no matter how many belongings you need to store with us, we will have a unit that is up to the task.
Safe And Secure Storage
All of our storage units are fitted with high-quality security systems. Each of our units has an alarm and smoke and fire detectors. There is also 24/7 CCTV surveillance around our entire Enfield store.
Flexible Rental Contracts
With all of our house move storage Enfield, we only offer flexible rental contracts. This means that if you need to change your unit, extend your rental period or leave before your rental period is up, you are free to do so. All we ask is that, if you want to leave your unit before your rental period has ended, you give us a period of notice.
Why You Should Use Our House Move Storage Enfield
As we have already mentioned, moving house can cause a lot of stress. Our house move storage can help to ease some of this stress. Here’s how.
Packing And Unpacking
Using our house move storage will help you with your packing and unpacking.
It will help with your packing because you will be able to pack nice and early. Leaving packing to the last minute will just add more stress to an already stressful experience. You are more likely to forget something or to not pack properly which can lead to items getting damaged or broken.
Using our house move storage Enfield will mean that you can pack in advance and then store these items in one of our units. This will mean packing is done and dusted and you can get your old home ready for its new owners.
Unpacking is the exact same. You can leave your belongings in our house move storage Enfield and unpack it all at your own pace. This will stop it from being overwhelming and will mean you can get your new home ready.
Storing your belongings in our house move storage Enfield will also make it easier to decorate. You will not have to worry about all your belongings getting covered in paint or wallpaper paste because it will all be safely stored with us.
In a similar vein, using our house move storage Enfield whilst you renovate will make the whole process much easier and will ease some of the stress that comes with renovations.
Renovating causes so much mess, dirt and debris and you want to protect all your belongings from it.
And, if your renovations over run, as we have already said, our house move storage comes with flexible rental contracts so you can extend your stay with ease. Just have a chat with our Enfield team.
House Move Storage Enfield
Moving house is a big process that can be very stressful. Our house move storage Enfield will help to alleviate some of the stress by providing you with a safe, secure storage unit in which you can store your belongings whilst you get your new home ready and so you can unpack at your own pace.
We hope you have found our guide helpful. If you would like to know more about our house move storage, please give us a call on: 02039 402 147 or click here.