Are you moving house? Our moving house checklist will help you to ease some of the stress and to have an easier move.
Moving house is the life event that many people feel is the most stressful one we undertake in our lives. In a survey conducted by Index Digital, 57% of people surveyed voted moving house as the most stressful life event. It beat out having a child, getting a divorce and job interviews to the top spot!
This is why we have created our moving house checklist – to help to ease some of the stress and to make your house move easier. Our moving house checklist will help you to keep track of everything you have to do throughout your move.
Let’s begin…
12 Weeks Before Moving Day
If you have found your new home and your offer has been accepted, now is the time to start working through our moving house checklist. With no complications and a straightforward move, it can be as quick as 12 weeks to go through. It can also take as long as 6 months, if complications arise, so they will need to be some patience.
But, if you are lucky and have a smooth sailing month, here are the things you should be doing with 12 weeks to go.
- Purchase a notebook or folder where you can keep all documentation related to your move.
- Do some research and find yourself a conveyancing solicitor.
- Research mortgage options and then arrange your mortgage.
- If you are needing to sell a house, find an estate agent.
- If you have children, get in touch with schools local to the area and begin the transfer process.
6 Weeks Before Moving Day
As your moving day fast approaches, when you make the 6 week mark, this is time to start thinking about decluttering your old home and begin to think of what you need to do at your new home.
- Research and figure out what building survey you need for your new home.
- Go through your possessions and make a full inventory of them.
- Begin to think about where your belongings will go. Having access to the floorplan and measurements of your new home will help. Your estate agent should have this.
- Using your inventory, begin to think about the items you no longer need or want. Choose a method to declutter.
- Research removal companies, if you plan on using one, and get quotes.
- Buy packing materials, such as high-quality boxes, bubble wrap and packing tape.
- Check the parking restrictions for large removals vehicles at your old and new homes. Your removals firm may need to apply to the Council for permits
4 Weeks To Moving Day
With 4 weeks to go, your new home will likely have been surveyed and you will have been informed of any structural issues. If your surveyor has found issues, you may want to renegotiate the price you are paying for your new home. If there are no issues, you are ready to move on to the next steps.
- Speak with your solicitor about exchange contracts and setting a moving date.
- Confirm the moving date with your removals company.
- Work out a route from your old house to your new house, thinking about any obstacles such as weight restricted bridges.
- Start packing your non-essential items.
- Arrange carpet fitting and order curtains, if needed, for your new home.
2 Weeks To Moving Day
Moving day is getting closer and closer. It is now time to confirm and sort out all the important details.
- Inform electricity, gas, phone and broadband suppliers etc. that you are moving.
- Arrange mail redirection with the Post Office.
- Finalise details with the removal company, confirming dates, times, parking and emergency numbers.
- Arrange for someone to look after your child and/or pets on moving day.
- Book people to carry out services, such as a plumber for your washing machine, if your removal company is not providing these services.
- Cancel any newspaper deliveries and other local services, such as window cleaners and gardeners.
- Begin to run down your freezer.
1 Week To Moving Day
With 1 week to go until your move, this week is all about finishing your packing and getting ready to move.
- Put all your important documents into your moving file or somewhere that they will be safe.
- Finish you packing, making sure to label every box with what is in and the room these items came from.
- Gather together all the keys you have for your old property, remembering any spare keys you have given to family members or neighbours.
- Inform your GP surgery and register with a new one if moving area.
- Tell your council and ask for a council tax statement.
- Inform your bank(s) and insurance providers.
- Defrost your fridge freezer.
- Wash and dry all your clothing and then box it all up, remembering to keep some clothes to one side for the first few days of your move.
- Tell friends and family your new address.
- Give your old home a thorough cleaning or hire a cleaning company to do this.
- Book a time to collect your new keys from the estate agent.
1 Day To Moving Day
With only 24 hours to go before you move, now is the time for your final checks of your old home.
- Pack an overnight bag that contains all your essentials – toothbrush, toothpaste, pyjamas, clean clothes, deodorant, washbag, towel, food and drink. Don’t forget your kettle and cups!
- Walk around your old home, checking nothing has been left behind.
- Ensure you have the keys to your new home or have arrangements in place to collect them.
- Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged and keep your charger at hand.
- Give your old home a final quick clean and hoover.
Moving Day Is Here!
Moving day has finally arrived and if you have worked your way through our moving house checklist, you should be ready to go. There are some things left to do on the day so make sure you are up and ready to go with plenty of time before your removal company arrives.
- Strip all your beds and pack the bedding and curtains.
- Record all utility meter readings for water, electricity, and gas. It is a good idea to take a photo of the meters.
- Count all the boxes you have and how many boxes are going in your car and how many with your removals company. Make a note of this for when you arrive at your new house.
- Put any boxes that you are taking to your new home in your car so the removals company doesn’t accidentally take them.
- Leave all the sets of keys for the new owners.
- Check all the windows are shut and secure.
- Turn all the utilities off.
- Confirm your new address with your movers before they leave your old home and make sure they have a contact number for you.
- Keep copies of contact details for your conveyancer, estate agent and removal company.
At Your New Home
When you arrive at your new home, you need to make sure that your removal company knows where they are placing all the furniture and the boxes. And you need to make sure that you have all your boxes so give them a quick count. But, also breathe and make some greatly needed cups of tea.
- Make sure you have one person at the new house so they can guide them to where items should be going.
- Account for all your boxes and items on your inventory. Check to make sure nothing is damaged.
- Get out your kettle and cups and make a tea/coffee station. This will be needed as the moving day gets going.
- Place your moving day file and your important documents in a safe place, where they won’t be lost in a sea of boxes.
- Read the utility meters in your new and, again, take photos.
- Check all the keys to your new home work.
- Check the house for anything the old owners have left behind. If you find anything, place them to one side and, when the moving day dust has settled, arrange for them to collect them at a later date.
First Night In Your New Home
It’s been a long and busy 12 weeks but you are finally in your new home. Do not try to unpack everything at once. Rome was not built in a day and trying to do this will just stress you out.
- Do a quick clean and hoover and make up your beds.
- Plug in all your appliances, such as your fridge freezer.
- Use the boiler and heating so you know everything is in working order and so you can have a lovely, hot shower at the end of the day.
- Settle children with toys and treats. If possible, keep your pets away for a few days when the chaos of moving day has subsided a little.
- Relax – order some takeaway, have a cup of tea. Tomorrow is when you can begin properly unpacking. You have plenty of time.
Our Moving House Checklist
We hope you have found our moving house checklist helpful. Please remember that, throughout it all, take time to be kind to yourself and take breaks. This can be a stressful time, even with a checklist, so be kind to yourself.
If, whilst moving house, you find yourself in need of self storage, we are here to help. Please click here to find your local store.